CONGRATULATIONS to the new CENTER STAGE troupe members!!!
If you were not cast this time around, please do not feel discouraged. As a reminder, we had to limit the number of troupe members this season due to strict COVID-19 guidelines. Please feel encouraged to audition for future Peacock Players productions and select programs.
If you were cast, please accept your troupe position ASAP with Artistic Director Keith Weirich at [email protected].
Please Note
Peacock Players will host a mandatory virtual Zoom Orientation Meeting on Monday, September 21st from 6:00-6:30pm prior to the first rehearsal – for TECHNiCAL DiFFiCULTiES, SPOTLIGHT, and CENTER STAGE select performance troupes. All troupe members and parents should plan to attend this Zoom meeting in order to orient everyone involved with our new COVID-19 safety processes and protocols. You will be emailed a Zoom link before the meeting. Please do not share this link with anyone.
As a reminder, there is a $150 educational tuition per semester. We will email registration forms and online payment links before the Orientation Meeting on Monday, September 21st.
Troupe members will be called to all Tuesday rehearsals, and should plan to make themselves available for this weekly rehearsal time. Please note that rehearsals for CENTER STAGE will combine both virtual and safe socially distanced in-person rehearsals throughout the semester. The troupe will begin with a virtual rehearsal on Tuesday, September 22nd from 6pm-8pm. All troupe members will be emailed a separate Zoom link before this first rehearsal.
CENTER STAGE Musical Theatre Troupe
Mariko Coffey
Emma DiGennaro
Abby Giannetti
Chloe Goodman
Seth Greenberg
Max Harley
Aidan Lamburn
Olivia Rader