Congratulations to the cast of Shrek Jr!
Please accept or decline your role ASAP by emailing us at [email protected].
As a reminder, there is a $175 tuition fee to participate in this production. If the full cost will prohibit participation, please apply for a student scholarship.
The first rehearsal will be Sunday, Jan 5th from 1-4pm. If your family did not receive the cast list via email, please reach out as soon as possible to [email protected] to verify your correct email address.
Cast List
*denotes a Peacock Players MainStage debut
Shrek: Will Kenneally
Fiona: Cameron Straker
Donkey: Jay Massie
Lord Farquaad: Kellen Rebelo
Dragon: Penny Coco
Young Fiona: Summer Delyani
Teen Fiona: Abigail Banner
Captain of the Guard: Khione Russell*
Bishop: Samantha DiSalvo
Knight 1/ Guard 1: Bryanna Nguyen*
Knight 2/ Guard 2: Samantha DiSalvo
Knight 3/ Guard 3: Isabelle Kerbert
Knight 4/ Guard 4: Abby Lombardi
Pinocchio: Audrey Lien-Hurley
Gingy: Emily Fulton
Mama Ogre/Mama Bear: Mia Spera*
Papa Ogre/Papa Bear: Olly Kimball
Baby Shrek/Baby Bear: Kit Conway
Pig 1/ Blind Mouse 1: Marshall Angellis
Pig 2/ Blind Mouse 2: Noah Worcester
Pig 3/ Blind Mouse 3: Summer Delyani
Ugly Duckling: Reid Saddler
Wicked Witch: Jessica Maxon
Big Bad Wolf: Graham Cooper
Peter Pan/Pied Piper: Arya Conway
Captain Hook: Kieran Smart
The Dwarf/ Tinkerbell: Addison Raymond
Mother Goose: Gwenyth Retelle*
Mad Hatter: Harley Wells*
White Rabbit: Izzy Wells*
(Dragon’s Flames, Rat Tappers, Featured Duloc Dancers, etc)
Abigail Banner
Gianna Caputo
Lily Keating *
Cali Mitchell*
Isabelle Kerbert
Vada Parzych*
Kit Conway
Addison Raymond
Gwenyth Retelle*
Harley Wells*
Izzy Wells*
*denotes a Peacock Players MainStage debut