COVID-19 Safety Policies & Procedures
Peacock Players has taken great care to ensure the safety of our patrons, performers, students, and staff. As the situation changes and evolves, our policies and procedures will be reviewed and updated regularly in accordance with the guidance from the NH Governor’s office, the CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the NH Department of Education, and considering current levels of local community transmission. We strongly encourage all eligible persons be vaccinated against the spread of COVID-19 and its variants.
A combination of health screening/monitoring, recommended mask usage, and social/physical distancing will be implemented:
Health Screening & Monitoring
- All patrons, students, performers, and staff members who demonstrate, or report, symptoms of illness will have their temperature taken prior to entering the facility. If any person has a confirmed temperature higher than 100.4 degree F (CDC guideline), they will not be allowed to enter the building/participate in programming.
- All patrons, performers, students, or staff members who may have been exposed to a confirmed positive test case in the past 5 days, feel ill, or are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 (see list below) should not enter the facility or participate in programming. Those who are fully vaccinated and not experiencing symptoms may participate if they wear a mask.
- If a student or staff member starts displaying symptoms while at Peacock Players programming, they will be immediately removed from the class and placed in a private room. Their symptoms will be monitored and temperature may be taken. The child’s parents will be called to come and pick them up. A staff member would be asked to go home.
- Students or staff with symptoms of possible COVID infection will test for COVID prior to returning to programming. If a student or staff member tests positive, they need to remain at home for at least 5 days; they may then return to programming so long as symptoms are resolving and they have not had a temperature of >100. 4 F for at least 24 hours. The parents/guardian will update the staff on the health status of the student. If a student or staff member tests positive, the staff and parents of the other students who have been exposed will be notified.
Mask Use
- All patrons, performers, students, and staff are recommended to wear masks within the building (regardless of vaccination status), especially when engaging in higher risk activities, such as singing, except during onstage performances when face coverings would be prohibitive for the performers.
- Camp counselors, CITs, and other staff will wear masks indoors except when able to maintain a distance of at least three to six feet from others.
- To be effective, masks should be worn over both the wearer’s nose and mouth and fit snuggly to the face.
- All patrons, performers, students, and staff are expected to bring their own appropriate masks; however, Peacock Players will provide masks, if needed.
- Bandanas, gaiters, and valved-masks are not considered appropriate.
Social/Physical Distancing
- Social-distancing is encouraged, especially during indoor activities; when possible, a distance of three to six feet will be maintained. All onstage blocking and choreography will remain socially- distanced, when possible.
- Patrons will be encouraged to remain in their seats for the duration of the performance unless they need to use the restrooms.
Symptoms of COVID-19
If patrons, students, performers, or staff members exhibit any of the following symptoms, they must refrain from entering the building:
- Fever (temperature above 100.4 degrees F)
- Cough
- Respiratory symptoms such as runny nose, nasal congestion, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- New loss of taste or smell
- Chills
- Head or muscle aches
- Sore throat
- Nausea, diarrhea, or vomiting
Facility Safety Precautions
- Peacock Players will create and display safety signage throughout the building for all patrons, performers, and staff members.
- Peacock Players has installed CDC recommended HEPA filtered air purifiers in some of the common and lobby areas.
- Hand sanitizer stations will be made available throughout the building.
- Peacock Players may provide special uniform masks for some onstage performers.
- The theater and all common areas will be cleaned and disinfected before and after performances and classes.
- All restrooms will be monitored, cleaned, and disinfected regularly.
Please note that failure to comply with the above policies and procedures may result in being asked to leave the building.
The safety of our students, staff, and community is our overriding priority. Thank you for your careful and complete participation in these safety policies and procedures. These are important to help us take precautionary measures to protect you and our community. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact a member of the Peacock Players COVID-19 Committee:
[email protected] (Elle Millar, Executive Director)
[email protected] (Fred Daniels, COVID-19 Committee)
[email protected] (Sasha Kuftinec, M.D. COVID-19 Committee)
Last date modified: May 26, 2022/Board approved: May 26, 2022
Visit the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services COVID-19 website for more information: